Tuesday, May 1, 2012

My Reasons

Teen Mom.

I chose this topic for a number of reasons; I chose it because it matters. I wrote it because it's something affecting teens worldwide and a topic of major concern. I wrote it so that maybe, in the slightest way, the information I provide helps raise awareness and perhaps prevent teens from making reckless, life-changing decisions. The reason I chose this topic is because I believe it to be among the most critical and delicate topic surrounding the youth of today's world.


  1. The topic is well made and it has a lot good pictures . The blog spot is very interesting .

  2. What is so "special" about teen pregnancy,
    that it matters so much to you?
    Other, than that I believe that you should
    at least post more information about this topic (:

    1. thanks for the feedback, I'll work on it.
      it's "special" because of personal and other reasons-.-

    2. yeah no problem & i figured.

  3. This topic is very interesting. I see many teen age girls these days going through pregnancy and it is good to spread awareness.
